Daylilies (Hemerocallis) are one of the more popular perennials that can be found blooming in many local landscapes.

Daylilies (Hemerocallis) are one of the more popular perennials that can be found blooming in many local landscapes. They have been cultivated for over 2,500 years, and in that time, there have been literally thousands of different varieties created. Daylilies come in different sizes, with flowers that come in a wide array of colours, shape, type, and different blooming times. As the name suggests the lily-like flower lasts only one day but as the plant produces many flowers, they can be seen blooming for a few weeks. With some planning you can have daylilies blooming throughout the season; by choosing varieties with different bloom times, so as one variety is finished blooming another one will start it is possible to have blooms all season long. Even when it is not blooming, a daylily plant is quite attractive as it grows in clumps of green, grass-like foliage, which is ideal for hiding the dying foliage of spring flowering bulbs. or just as a filler between other shrubs and plants.
The daylily can be bought as a root in early spring that can be started indoors and later planted outdoors, or as an existing plant throughout the growing season. They are generally propagated very easily by root division. When choosing a planting site think about the mature size of the plant as some varieties can become as large as 60-90 cm tall. One of the reasons for a daylily’s popularity is its ability to tolerate many conditions, and the fact that it is rarely bothered by pests or disease, but the best growing conditions would be full sun, where they will bloom prolifically. Plant in a nutrient rich, well-drained soil, keeping the crown of the plant 3 cm below the soil surface and water regularly. Once the plant has become established it will tolerate drought but it will not bloom as heavily as it would if given more moisture. It is also not as affected by the heat as some other plants can be.
“For continued heavy blooming divide the plant every 4-5 years in early fall..."
For continued heavy blooming divide the plant every 4-5 years in early fall. Do this by cutting back the foliage by two-thirds, then digging it up and splitting it into two or three pieces, then replanting the divisions and watering them in well. Daylilies can be found happily growing in different areas of the landscape as well as containers. Shorter varieties are ideal for rock gardens, borders and containers. Taller varieties are beautiful in large masses as ground cover or in mixed beds. They also work well grown on a bank or slope for erosion control.
This easy to grow plant is a must for any yard and is especially great for those gardeners who are just beginning or are looking for something that is very low maintenance and looks wonderful. Ideal for the cottage garden! The plant including the flowers are also all edible. They would certainly add a nice flair to a salad etc. These plants really are a triple threat: Beautiful, low maintenance, and versatile!